
Belgian participations in the EU Framework Programme

This section gives an overview of the Belgian participation in the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 (H2020). It contains data from January 1st, 2014 to January 5th, 2021.
Two types of statistics are available: data on projects/participations and data on proposals/applications. The difference between the two datasets is as follows: following a call from the European Commission, consortia of applicants submit proposals. These proposals are then evaluated and some of them are retained for funding. They are then called projects and the persons or institutions involved in these projects are called applicants.
These data are further presented in two different flavors: the subsection “Belgium in a European perspective” allows comparisons between Belgium as a whole and a set of selected countries, whereas the subsection “Belgium in detail” allows an assessment of the various Belgian federated entities.

I. Belgium in a European perspective

This section presents the involvement of Belgian actors in the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and compares Belgium to a set of reference countries. Data are provided for the Programme as a whole, i.e. for the whole timespan between January 1st, 2014 and January 5th, 2021. Figures are broken down by pillar of the Programme and, where possible, by type of applicant.

I.a. Proposals and applications


  • The success rate in applications is defined as the ratio between the number of retained (i.e. main listed) applications from applicants in the country to the total number of eligible applications from applicants in the country
  • The success rate in applications is defined as the ratio between the requested EU funding in retained (i.e. main listed) applications from applicants in the country to the totalrequested Eu funding in eligible applications from applicants in the country
  • The success rate in proposals is defined as the ratio between the number of retained (i.e. main listed) proposals with at least one applicant in the country to the total number of eligible proposals involving at least one applicant in the country.

I.b. Projects and participations

II. Belgium in detail

This section presents the involvement of Belgian actors in the Framework Programme horizon 2020 by type of actor, region and/or supervisory authority. Data are provided for the Programme as a whole, i.e. for the whole timespan between January 1st, 2014 and January 5th, 2021. Figures are broken down by pillar of the Programme and, where possible, by type of applicant.

II.a. Proposals and applications


  • The success rate in applications is defined as the ratio between the number of retained (i.e. main listed) applications from applicants in the country to the total number of eligible applications from applicants in the country
  • The success rate in applications is defined as the ratio between the requested EU funding in retained (i.e. main listed) applications from applicants in the country to the totalrequested Eu funding in eligible applications from applicants in the country
  • The success rate in proposals is defined as the ratio between the number of retained (i.e. main listed) proposals with at least one applicant in the country to the total number of eligible proposals involving at least one applicant in the country.

II.b. Projects and participations